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Animated Beginning Phonics 1.0

Animated Beginning Phonics Animated Beginning Phonics 1.0

Screenshots of Animated Beginning Phonics

Animated Beginning Phonics Publisher's Description

Designed for beginning readers (pre-K to 2nd grade) Animated Beginning Phonics covers upper
and lower case letters, beginning and ending sounds, middle short vowel sounds and beginning
reading words. Sound is used extensively to help the child identify words and letters.
Help is available as needed by the student. Pictures of over 200 3D objects are used in the
exercises. All menu items and directions are read aloud to the student to help pre-readers
navigate and operate the program.
When the student has completed a certain number of problems they can visit the game room
with puzzles and matching games (animated of course). The game room has a parent/teacher
control so the number of problems that have to be completed before the student can play can
be controlled (5 - 50, or you can close the game room).

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